An Overview Of Workers’ Compensation Benefits In Georgia

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A workplace injury can derail even the best-laid plans, often leaving you unable to work for a considerable period of time after the accident. Some victims are never able to work again. Fortunately, in Georgia, injured workers can apply for workers’ compensation to receive compensation for lost income, medical bills, and other losses.

In this article, we will provide you with an overview of workers’ compensation laws and benefits in Georgia:

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

In Georgia, companies that regularly employ three or more employees are typically required to purchase and maintain workers’ compensation coverage. However, railroad carriers, government agencies, domestic servants, and farm laborers aren’t subject to these coverage requirements.

Workers’ comp provides income, rehabilitation, and medical benefits to workers injured on the job. Additionally, this coverage will also provide benefits to the relatives of a worker who dies because of a workplace injury. Workers’ compensation is a “No-Fault” system, so you won’t have to prove that your employer was negligent, only show that you were injured on the clock.

What Types of Workers’ Comp Benefits Are Available in GA?

If you’ve suffered an injury in a workplace accident, you might be wondering what benefits you can receive by filing for workers’ compensation. While there are many types of benefits available to injured workers, you cannot recover compensation for certain damages such as emotional distress, loss of enjoyment in life, and pain and suffering. Additionally, while injured workers can receive between 350 to 400 weeks of payments for lost income, this total is rarely awarded.

Let’s take a look at some of the types of benefits you might receive:

  • Medical Benefits: From doctor’s visits to lab tests to prescription medication, you can receive compensation for many of the reasonable and necessary costs associated with treating your workplace injury. However, in order to be eligible for such benefits, you must select a doctor from a panel of authorized physicians that is usually listed by your employer. There is, however, one exception: If you require immediate medical treatment after the accident, you should visit the nearest emergency room or urgent care facility without delay.
  • Income Benefits: If your injuries prevent you from working for more than a week after the accident, you may be able to receive income benefits for any lost wages. Keep in mind that you will usually receive around two-thirds of your average weekly earnings prior to the accident, and these payments cannot exceed $675 per week.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits: A workplace injury may prevent you from returning to the same line of work you were doing prior to the accident, or your limitations could affect your ability to perform many of the functions related to your current job. In such cases, you may receive benefits to help you adjust to a new role or different line of work.
  • Death Benefits: If an employee dies in a workplace accident, their dependents may receive compensation for a portion of their income. Such benefits also cover funeral and burial costs.

Speak to a Workers’ Comp Attorney in Atlanta Today

Were you injured on the job? A skilled workers’ comp attorney can assess your case to help you determine which types of benefits may be available in your situation.

At Moebes Law, we’ve helped secure millions of dollars for our client, and we’re one of the top workers comp law firms in the state. To schedule a free consultation with our legal team, reach out to us today at (404) 354-5432 or by filling out our contact form.



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