Atlanta Eye Injury and Vision Loss Lawyer

Suffering an eye injury on the job can change your life. Our Atlanta eye injury and vision loss attorneys can help you get the workers’ compensation you need and deserve. Contact us to start your case.

Workers’ Compensation for Eye Injuries and Vision Loss

One of the kinds of injuries that can happen on the job is an eye injury or vision loss. Damage can occur in various ways, but the result is the same – the victim’s life is changed forever.

Eye injuries are recognized in the Georgia workers’ compensation system. A victim may claim a range of benefits, including medical care, replacement income, and more.

Experienced Lawyers Representing Workers and Employees

At Moebes Law, we are a professional legal team dedicated to helping individuals with workers’ compensation claims. Eye injury claims can be complex, and the benefits claimed are often significant. It is our goal for you to get the types of benefits you deserve in the amounts you are entitled to. When we represent you, it is our goal to handle all of the legal aspects, so that your claim is managed efficiently and effectively.

Types of Eye Injuries on the Job

Some types of eye injuries that may lead you to file a workers’ compensation claim are:

  • Scratches
  • Cornea damage
  • Retina damage and detachment
  • Broken facial bones, orbital blowout fractures
  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation of the iris
  • Swelling
  • Chemical burn
  • Penetration/object in the eye

Medical care should be completely covered by the employer with no cost to the injured worker. There should be no copays or deductibles. Medical care may continue until the person reaches maximum medical improvement or for a maximum number of weeks provided by law. A person with a catastrophic injury may continue to receive treatment beyond statutory limits.

Various issues may arise in a workers’ compensation claim involving an eye injury. Let our lawyers explain your options and fight for your rights. Contact us today to talk about your case.

Examples of Compensable Vision Problems

Vision problems that may be the basis of workers’ compensation include:

  • Blindness
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Peripheral vision reduction
  • Reduced night vision
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Vision changes

Receiving fair workers’ compensation requires understanding your injuries, the treatment necessary, and the impact on your ability to work. We ensure that you have the proper medical evidence to support your claim.

Acute and chronic eye injuries

An eye injury may be acute, causing sudden injury. It may also be a degenerative condition or disease that develops because of repetitive workplace exposures.

Causes of Eye Injuries in the Workplace

As an employee, you don’t have to prove that the injury is the result of negligence. Despite best efforts and safety measures, eye injuries can still occur. Causes of eye injury in the workplace are:

  • Working in dangerous conditions and with protruding objects
  • Particles in the air
  • Radiation
  • Chemical handling
  • Equipment malfunction, inadequate maintenance
  • Inadequate identification of dangers and poor safety protocols
  • Staffing problems, unqualified staff members, and poor training
  • Inadequate personal protective equipment; PPE that is not replaced when it is worn
  • Poor communication and direction from supervisors and management
  • Eye strain, looking at a computer screen for long periods
  • Performing detailed and tedious work

Report your eye injury to your supervisors as soon as it occurs. While you do not have to prove the cause of the accident, you must show that your injuries arose in the course and scope of your employment. As part of our representation, we are sure to gather the evidence needed for your situation.

Eye Injury Workers’ Compensation Settlements

Receiving a fair workers’ compensation settlement requires understanding how insurance companies try to minimize payments and benefits. Our lawyers pursue cases through settlements and hearings. Our approach involves carefully evaluating your situation and understanding the benefits you deserve under Georgia law. Then, we pursue your case, handling all legal aspects with open communication so that you always know where your case stands.

Total blindness and removing benefit limitations

Georgia workers’ compensation law OCGA § 34-9-200.1(g)(5) authorizes a catastrophic designation for cases of “total or industrial blindness.” While there is no specific definition for industrial blindness, in qualifying cases, the designation removes artificial caps in the law that limit medical care and wage-loss benefits. Long-term care may be necessary, and the victim may be unable to work. A claim must be handled with particular attention to the issues to claim full benefits available to the victim.

Permanent Partial Disability Ratings for Eye Injuries

Payout for an eye injury at work – body part value

Georgia workers’ compensation benefits provide 150 weeks of compensation for loss of vision in one eye. When a person loses vision in both eyes, there is a rebuttable presumption of total disability. A person with a permanent partial disability following an eye injury should receive the appropriate permanent impairment benefits after reaching maximum medical improvement.

The question of how to appropriately rate the injury severity may be significant. Our lawyers can address disability ratings to ensure your payout is the appropriate amount.

Reasons Eye Injury Workers’ Compensation Claims Are Denied

Success in an eye injury workers’ compensation claim requires identifying the reasons that claims are denied. Common reasons people hear for their claims being denied are:

  • Pre-existing conditions
  • The injury didn’t occur on the job
  • Misconduct
  • The injury isn’t severe enough to require medical treatment or replacement wages
  • Vision improved, and there is no permanent disability
  • Improper benefits determination
  • Procedural errors and issues
  • Failing to follow requirements for medical care or doctor’s instructions

When our Atlanta eye injury and vision loss attorneys represent you, we address reasons that claims are denied. We do not let the insurance company’s tactics stand in the way of you receiving fair treatment in the workers’ compensation system.

Free Consultation – Taking New Cases

Work with an Atlanta legal team that focuses on helping individuals after work injuries. Work with the friendly and professional team at Moebes Law. At your free consultation, get to know us and get answers to your questions. Start down the path towards your compensation today.

Call or message us to start your case. We look forward to helping you.



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