Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

Moebes Law has experienced attorneys to work with you following a car accident. Our team focuses on personal injury lawsuits in Atlanta, and if you’ve been injured as the result of a car accident, we are available to discuss your case today. There are a variety of factors to consider following your accident, and the process of filing a lawsuit can be complicated. When dealing directly with insurance companies, it is important to understand that their main goal is to pay as little as possible to an injured third party — we understand this process, and will fight to get what you deserve.

Can I File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Atlanta Following a Car Accident?

If you have suffered a car accident as a result of someone else’s negligence, malice, or irresponsibility, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit to recover damages for your property as well as your injuries. Submit a case evaluation online today, and someone in our legal team will begin to explore your options immediately. In addition to recovering financial compensation for medical bills and/or lost wages, you may be entitled to damages for pain and suffering, reduced quality of life, and more.

Will Moebes Law Represent Me After a Car Accident?

Absolutely. Our team of personal injury lawyers in Atlanta is ready and willing to help you navigate the complex and overwhelming process of filing a personal injury lawsuit. We will work with insurance companies, and discuss the possibility of filing a lawsuit directly against the party at fault for the accident depending on the specifics of your case. Contact us today to understand your options.

How Much Will I Get Following My Personal Injury Lawsuit?

There are a variety of factors that will go into determining a fair amount that you can pursue in your lawsuit. Below are a few things that will go into consideration when we begin to build your case:

Medical Bills

Your medical bills following your accident are easily calculated, and will be a clear factor in your lawsuit.

Lost Wages

In addition to medical bills, lost wages are simple economic factors that will play a role in your lawsuit.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering is not as simple to calculate as submitting medical bills and proof of lost wages, but are extremely important to consider when ensuring your lawsuit will recover what you are rightfully owed.

Diminished Earning Capacity

If your injuries affect your future ability to work in the same capacity you could before the accident, your future earning power will be considered as part of your lawsuit.

Reduced Quality of Life

In addition to an ability to work in the same capacity as before your accident, your quality of life should and will be considered when determining what your lawsuit will cover. Changes in your lifestyle as a result of your injuries following the accident are not as tangible as your medical bills or the cost of time away from work, but your quality of life is a very important part of the case we will build for you. Our team understands that the consequences of an accident can have severe and long-term effects on your life, and will fight for a fair outcome.

Car Accident Attorney in Atlanta

Contact our team today for a free consultation, or simply submit a case evaluation online to have an experienced personal injury lawyer in Atlanta start to understand your circumstances. You do not have to go through this process in the Atlanta court system alone, and the support of an experienced team will give you the confidence to move forward knowing that you are represented by professionals who are fighting for your best interests. Personal injury law in Atlanta is very important to us, and your financial security will be our responsibility throughout this case.



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