How much does workers’ comp in Georgia pay for scarring?

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Workers’ comp in Georgia generally does not offer compensation for scarring from work-related injuries.  The workplace accident that causes the scarring should be covered, but the actual scars themselves will not. Typically, scars fall under pain and suffering damages, which you’re not entitled to under Georgia’s workers’ compensation system. 

What types of workplace accidents cause scarring?

Here are a few types of workplace accidents that are likely to result in scarring: explosions, power tool or machinery accidents, chemical, electrical or boiling water burns, falls and more.

For example, I have a couple clients who suffered severe burns as part of their injuries at work. One has 4th degree burns after being run over by a taxi cab (from the continued rotating tire against her skin); the other has 3rd degree burns after a boiling water mishap in the company kitchen. Both, as you can imagine, had excruciating pain. Both have had skin grafts and will have permanent scarring. Sadly, neither the pain nor the scarring will directly increase the value of their workers’ compensation claims.

Scars and disfigurement

States vary, but Georgia is one of the few states that does not allow recovery for scarring/disfigurement as part of a permanent partial disability (PPD) rating.  O.C.G.A. 34-9-263 is the relevant statute addressing PPD benefits.  As far as Georgia case law goes, the case styled Nowell v. Stone Mtn. Scenic R.R., 150 Ga.App. 325 (1979) expressly held that our state does not allow workers’ compensation benefits for non-disability producing disfigurement.

What is a Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)?

Permanent partial disability are benefits paid to people who are not completely disabled but who have a permanent injury. PPD payments are not usually made until a person has reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) as determined by their doctor.

Although, the answer to the question “How much does workers’ comp in Georgia pay for scarring?” is zero.

What should I do if I suffer an injury that causes scarring at my job in Georgia?

Every injured Georgia worker can benefit from a consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Our knowledgeable Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyers are well-versed in Georgia law and can assist you in determining your best course of action.



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