If I’m getting medical benefits from workers’ comp, do I need an attorney?

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If you’re currently on workers’ compensation benefits and are getting medical care through the workers’ comp doctor, please know that the doctor has been chosen by the insurance company with the expectation that you are to be released back to full duty work as quickly as possible for as little cost as possible and with as low a disability rating as possible. The insurance adjuster and workers’ compensation doctor are not interested in returning you to your pre-injury abilities and capabilities; they’re interested in saving money.

doctors and nurses.jpgI recently had a client with multiple disc herniations and excruciating pain get released to full duty, heavy labor work with no restrictions or impairment rating (permanent partial disability). This is ridiculous. But, it’s not uncommon.ย  We’ve worked to get him another doctor who is a patient advocate.

Working with an experiencedย Atlantaย workers’ compensation attorneyย will help you learn the reputations of doctors and what your options are regarding medical care and necessary medical procedures that may be denied by the workers’ comp insurance company. In short, it pays to have an advocate who’s looking out for your interests instead of an insurance company’s.

-Moebes Law, LLC
3535 Piedmont Road NE
Building 14, Suite 410
Atlanta, GAย  30305



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