Unable to find an itunes application that will assist with evaluating exposure in a workers’ compensation claim, Atlanta workers’ compensation attorney Michael Moebes created an app to do just that. “The Compulator” was designed to serve as a tool for litigation attorneys, insurance adjusters, and injured plaintiffs to analyze case exposure and negotiate settlements at mediations.
Features include a date calculator that figures the number of weeks between dates; this assists in totaling past due workers’ compensation disability benefits or future disability exposure for 350 or 400 week cases.
There’s a present value calculator function for tallying the present value of a lump sum settlement covering several years of future earnings.
A life expectancy calculator uses the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) data to analyze remaining life expectancy based on age and gender.
For mediations, the settlement worksheet feature allows clients and attorneys to get a “net to the client” figure after costs and contingency fees.
The mediation tracker feature shows midpoints between dollar amounts offered and demanded; then it tracks and charts the upward (or downward) progression of these midpoints.
Look for “The Compulator” for iphones and ipads in the business section of itunes, or click here to get there quickly. Don’t negotiate your injury case without it!