Back injuries are nothing to mess with….and neither is actress Sharon Stone!

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Sharon Stone is apparently in need of sensitivity training and maybe a house manager so that she can be hands-off with the staff. Apparently she doesn’t know when enough’s enough, nor that back problems are legitimate work injuries and can be debilitating long-term if not headed off at the pass.

Last month Angelica Castillo, former maid to Ms. Stone,ย filed a wrongful termination suitย against the actress. The complaint, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, alleges that Stone fired Castillo because the latter was injured while carrying in groceries for the actress.

This isn’t the first employee-filed suit that Stone has seen. Last year her former nanny, Erlinda Elemen, sued. Elemen, a Filipino national, alleged violations of labor laws as well as abusive language regarding her ethnicity and religious preferences. Stone brushed off those claims as coming from “a disgruntled ex-employee who is obviously looking to get money any way she can,” and accused the employee of theft by taking overtime pay that she was entitled to.

Sharon Stone sounds like a real peach.

In the current case, Castillo states that she suffered extreme pain when she hurt her back while carrying Stone’s groceries in June of 2012. Even though a doctor ordered her to not lift heavy objects and to get bed rest, Stone ordered her back to work.

According to the complaint, “Plaintiff was required to perform her regular duties, including but not limited to grocery shopping, lifting and moving heavy items as part of cleaning the residence.” The ten-page suit also alleges that other employees who could have helped her with her duties were not allowed to do so.

To add insult to injury (no pun intended), the complaint goes on to say “While the plaintiff was still in severe pain, Stone repeatedly yelled at plaintiff for performing her duties more slowly, and called her ‘crazy’ and ‘stupid’.” Then Stone fired Castillo, who had been in her employ for two years.

Castillo’s complaint accuses Stone of wrongful termination and failure to provide accommodation for the employee’s injury.

If you’ve been subjected to abuse by an employer after an on-the-job injury, you shouldย contact our offices. You have rights under Georgia laws, and asย Atlanta attorneys well-versed in personal injury and workers’ compensation laws, we are equipped to advise you about those rights and your best course of action in seeking compensation.



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