4 Pieces of Evidence to Support your Car Accident Claim

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If youโ€™re planning to take action against a negligent or reckless motorist, youโ€™re probably wondering what types of proof you will need to build a convincing case. What constitutes strong evidence will almost always depend on the unique circumstances surrounding the accident, so itโ€™s important to investigate the wreck thoroughly.

Read on to find out more about some of the kinds of evidence that might play a role in your claim:

1. Eyewitness Statements

If someone else saw the accident happen, their testimony may be able to help support your claim. For instance, if a pedestrian saw the other motorist driving recklessly in the moments before the collision, their statements could help prove fault. A witness can also testify about more than just what they saw, including what they heard or smelled (i.e., that the at-fault driver had alcohol on his or her breath).

You should take down the names and contact details of any eyewitnesses to share with your attorney during the initial consultation. Your lawyer may want to track down these individuals to determine whether their statements could help strengthen your car accident claim.

2. Dashcam Footage

Dashcams are more affordable than ever, prompting many motorists to equip their cars with these advanced devices. As such, thereโ€™s a good chance that someone captured footage of the moment of impact, so itโ€™s worth asking any nearby motorists for copies of such recordings as they may help you demonstrate fault. Every car in my household has one!

3. Photographs of the Accident Scene

Important evidence at the accident scene wonโ€™t stick around until youโ€™re ready to investigate what happened. Road markings will disappear overnight, the vehicles involved could be repaired within a few days, and your injuries might look very different even just a week into your treatment.

As such, you should take a moment to photograph these important elements as soon as possible after the collision, orโ€”if youโ€™re unable to do so yourselfโ€”ask a family member or friend to take pictures on your behalf. Try to capture photographs from multiple different angles and distances as this may make it easier for your attorney or an accident reconstructionist to determine what happened.

4. Medical Records

Your medical records wonโ€™t just help show the types of injuries you suffered, but could also make it easier for you to tie your condition to the wreck. As such, itโ€™s important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible as the longer you wait to undergo a comprehensive medical assessment, the more room you may leave for the insurance company to dispute your claim. For instance, if you took weeks to visit the doctor after the collision, the insurer might assert that you suffered your injuries in a different incident as the date of your doctorโ€™s visit doesnโ€™t correspond with the date of the wreck.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Car Accident Attorney in Atlanta

Building a strong personal injury claim can be an exhausting and time-consuming undertaking. Thankfully, when you hire a car accident attorney to oversee your case, he or she can handle the necessary logistics such as gathering evidence, assessing your damages, and filing the required paperwork.

At Moebes Law, our legal team provides personalized representation at all stages of proceedings. We are one of the top personal injury law firms in the state, and have helped secure millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Contact us today at (404) 354-5432 or visit our contact page HERE to request a free case review.



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