Frequently asked questions about Workers’ Compensation in Georgia

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What is workers’ comp and are you qualified to file for it? These are among the most frequently asked questions people have about workers’ compensation in Georgia.

What is workers’ comp?

Workers’ compensation is insurance that your employer pays that may replace a portion of your wages and provide medical treatment if you are hurt at work. The benefits are provided to help you return to work. It also provides benefits to dependents if you die from a job related injury, illness or accident.

How does workers’ compensation work?

If you are injured at work you may qualify for a workers’ compensation claim. You have 30 days to notify your employer about your injury, with some exceptions. After the claim is filed and processed, you can be paid if your employer and insurance carrier agree the injuries are work-related. If your employer does not believe your injury was caused by their workplace you can dispute that claim. Every situation is unique and if you’re unsure you should contact our law offices to speak to a knowledgeable Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer about your claim at 404-354-5432.

What if my workplace injury was my fault?

It’s not necessarily important whether or not the accident or injury may have been your fault, what’s more important is if it happened due to your work. It’s always best to ask than to assume you don’t qualify.

How do I know if I’m qualified to file for workers’ comp?

To qualify for workers’ compensation, you must be an employee (with some exceptions) of a company that has workers’ comp insurance. You are covered by your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance from your first day on the job.

How do I know if the company I work for has workers’ comp insurance?

In Georgia, any business with three or more workers, including part-time workers, has to have workers’ compensation insurance.  To check an employers’ coverage, go to Georgia’s State Board of Workers Compensation Online Employer’s Workers’ Compensation Coverage Verification.

When should I report a work injury?

Report any accident or injury that happens on the job to your employer immediately. Waiting longer than 30 days may cause you to lose your benefits.

Have more questions?

In Georgia, workers’ comp cases are governed and adjudicated by the State Board of Workers’ Compensation, located in Atlanta (with satellite offices in other cities across the state).  Its website includes several resources for persons who’ve been injured at work in Georgia and need some guidance with questions or concerns afterward. Their frequently asked questions and answers page covers several areas of inquiry in basic, plain language. However, if you need detailed answers, including any “how tos” of handling your claim, you should contact our law offices to speak to a knowledgeable Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer at 404-354-5432.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2016 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.



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